Aug 10, 2012

multi purpose garment

The chadar, is a flexible garment worn by many people in India since before the third century C.E. Indians and others living in countries of the Middle East continue to wear the chadar to this day. Though the size, shape, and color of the chadar vary somewhat in different cultures, it is mostly a large scarf, about three yards long and one yard wide, or larger. Both men and women use the chadar as a shawl or wrap for protection from the weather, for modesty, and for religious purposes. Some chadars have decorative or fringed edges.

 Some women wrap the chadar tightly around their neck and head to form a sort of headdress that may cover all or part chadar is useful for many purposes. A mother may wrap her baby in one end of the scarf and use it to cover them both while she breastfeeds. Ends of the chadar may also be used to tie small bundles to make them easy to carry. Some women’s chadars are large enough to cover the wearer from head to toe, similar to the long burka also worn by Muslim women. The chadar also has religious and ceremonial purposes. The color and designs used in the fabric often have religious significance. Many Muslim men use the chadar to wrap themselves or kneel upon it for prayer.

the most multi functional garment of all
  My favoutrite chadars are from kashmere, silk, wool. Different colors for different color dresses. 


Thank you for comments, thoughts and ideas!